Women Who Dare To Believe...

Two veteran actresses bring to life 21 women from the Scriptures!
Bonnie Keen and Nan Gurley portray the women God used to fulfill the covenant and bring in the Messiah.
With cutting-edge dialogue, original music and creative interaction with the audience, this 90-minute musical will inspire viewers with the stories of women who dared to believe and pushed against the pressures and culture of their day
The scarlet thread of hope runs through the stories of Rahab, Tamar, Leah and Rachel, Deborah and Esther, Anna and Mary. Like women today, these women knew this was their hour, this was their moment.
On a bare stage, Nan and Bonnie use 20 feet of scarlet fabric, leaving audiences breathless at the stories of the blood of Jesus running through time from the Garden to the empty tomb
For additional info, click the "KEYNOTES" and "BIBLE STUDY" pages under the "MORE" tab.
"WOMEN WHO DARE TO BELIEVE" is conceived, written and performed by Nan Gurley & Bonnie Keen.
© 2023 by Nan Gurley, Bonnie Keen and New Earth Players. All rights reserved.